Strategic HR Solutions

Top New Year Resolutions for New Age Managers

Top New Year Resolutions for New Age Managers - Staffing Company in Mumbai

Yes, it is time to make new year resolutions!

Last year saw a lot of ups and downs. This year too looks like it is going to be a roller-coaster ride with the new variants of covid causing major disruptions.

We survived last year! And this year, if you are looking for inspiration on what can you do to not just survive but thrive in the current turbulent times, here are some ideas you should consider.


  • Learn-unlearn, Reskill & Upskill

Being a manager, you realise the importance of picking up new skills. If there is any good time to learn new things – soft skills, technical skills, new tools, or unlearn the outdated skills, it is now.

A survey conducted by TalentLMS on upskilling and reskilling, shows that about 42% of companies have increased their upskilling initiatives since covid hit. Pandemic has opened a plethora of options for online education.

Take up upskilling or reskilling as this year’s new year resolution. Create your career growth plan and work out your learning needs that help you grow personally and professionally.


  • Manage Your Time

Remote working is here to stay. While it saves a lot of time that is otherwise spent on commuting, for many, the lack of structure and discipline can lead to loss of productive time.

Start your 2022 with a resolution to manage your time well. It doesn’t mean only cutting down on your smartphone usage.

Find out what repetitive tasks are taking away your time. Maybe you can look at automation for those roles. You can set an example for your team by investigating where the unproductive time goes and planning your day well.

Audit your social media apps and delete the ones that are adding negative value to your life.

Learn to say NO to work that does not add value to your career goals.

Once you resolve to manage your time better, you will see many avenues to improve your productivity. Use the time to explore, read, learn something new.


  • Celebrate Small Wins

We are conditioned to look at mega achievements and ignore the small steps or wins that lead to that achievement. Pandemic has taught us to celebrate every day as a win.

Capturing small wins and recognising them helps enhance the team motivation levels. Whenever someone does something good, let them know they did a good job.

This new year learn to acknowledge and reward smalls wins along with the big achievements.  


  • Wellbeing

Burnout is real. Uncertainty created by the pandemic along with social distancing and remote working is leading to serious mental and physical health issues.

This year resolve to practice self-care and focus on your and your team’s wellbeing.

Spend time doing things you like. Follow a hobby. Keep some time aside for exercise.


  • Try Something New

This year resolve to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new. It can be something that you were hesitant to do all these years or anything you wanted to try your hands at but did not because of time constraints.

It may or may not be work related. Trying out new things helps you become more confident, motivated and happy.

Encourage others in your team to try out one new thing this year.


  • Flexibility

‘Flexibility’ is one word that you have heard too many times in the past 2 years. Forced into remote working, many people are still struggling to balance work and life outside of work.

This year you can resolve to accept and embrace flexibility.

It means learning to be productive and effective while juggling various responsibilities and bringing structure and routine to your “flexible” work.

Talk to your team and open up avenues for more flexibility at work – it can be in form of fully remote, hybrid, in-office, full time, part-time, freelance or contract. Choose the option or a mix of options based on your business needs.

Try ‘contract staffing’ or ‘contract to hire’. Connect with us at today for your IT & non IT, contract and permanent staffing needs. We are one of the fastest growing staffing companies in India.


  • Have More Fun

Last but definitely not the least, resolve to have more fun this year. Fun may not be the word that comes to your mind when at work. However, there is no reason why you cannot have fun at the place where you spend most of your productive hours.

Create a fun work environment. Loosen up and build in a workplace that allows laughter and play along with work. Encourage teams to bond at work and outside of work. Teams that bond well and have fun working together are more creative and productive.

“Every leader should resolve to dramatically improve the modern work experience so employees can do their best, while loving every second,”

  • Chris Dyer, author of The Power of Company Culture.

Whatever new year resolution you select, stay firm and persistent till you reach your goal.

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