Strategic HR Solutions

Evolution of Automated HR Processes

Evolution of Automated HR Processes

The HR sector is witnessing a paradigm shift in the use of technology in its processes, with big data
mining, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning to lead the way forward. Like most
industries, HR is heading towards a technology-powered future and intuitive tech is already powering
many of its systems. The HR technology market is clearly on the rise as it continues to expand its
capabilities, with chatbot solutions, machine learning, and artificial intelligence gaining prominence.
Automated processes are also refining operations and workplace experiences.

HR is focused on offering highly personalized employee experiences founded on technology with a
strategic approach to recruitment, employee satisfaction, and workplace wellbeing. It all begins with a
reliable HR and payroll software that influences the key HR processes. Before we look at the seven key
human resource processes that must be automated in any modern HR Organization, let’s quickly define
HR automation.

HR automation enhances your HR department’s efficiency by automating standard and repetitive tasks
using tools. Automation helps free up your HR personnel from tedious manual tasks and allows them to
focus on more complex functions like decision making and strategizing.

Automating HR activities will help your organization streamline core HR processes. As a result, you
reduce the cost and time you’ll spend on manual HR planning and processing. Besides, in the age of
remote work we’re living in, you have no choice but to automate your HR processes.

1) Recruitment
Automation serves an increasingly active role in managing time-consuming tasks such as screening
resumes and advanced software helps to shortlist candidates. Technological support reduces errors in
the recruitment process and creates greater room to focus on other finer aspects of hiring.

2) Onboarding
Onboarding, which usually involves considerable paperwork and time, is now almost wholly an online
process. ‌HR software provides online documentation and orientation to ensure due diligence with a
quick handover of information and equipment necessary to begin work for new employees.

3) Time Tracking
Employee schedules and work hours are now monitored digitally, with automated data collection and
validation that is managed in a much shorter time with new interventions. A Payroll software system
reviews timesheets’ important aspects, like overtime or absences, and streamlines approvals for payroll

4) Performance Management
Maintaining employee performance records through regular manual evaluation of key performance
indicators (KPIs) are now features of the past. Instead, HR automation and online monitoring systems
assist in tracking performance with automated procedures in place to help actively boost productivity.

5) Leave Management
Time-consuming procedures in calculating and approving absences are now replaced by automated
approval systems. HR automation of leave management provides faster approvals and also updates
leave records instantly. The entire process is easier to monitor, handle, and accept with the right

6) Offboarding
HR automation standardizes the entire offboarding process as well. A series of procedures that require
managerial checks at each stage is now simplified. The software-guided process also makes offboarding
much easier with speedy completion of each step and quick resolution of any disputes.

7) HR Analytics
Maintaining employee data and creating insights from such information can be a big challenge for large
companies. Automation comes to the rescue here by automatically organizing the information to
provide the HR department with powerful insights. The technologically guided system ensures faster
processing and reduces the chance of data loss or manual data entry errors.

To Sum up, to be abreast with the pace of change of other departments and overall industry in terms of
technology adoption, in HR domain technology has clearly become an integral part of the HR processes
in an organization located anywhere across the world. HR automation is already creating a workspace
where humans and digital tools seamlessly work together for the progress and performance of an
organization. At Emirates HR, our team focuses on providing the best-fit medium that will not only
elevate employee experience but also that of the management from the inside-out.

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