Strategic HR Solutions

A strategic framework for your business: Vision, Mission and Values.

Strategic frameworks are an integral part of any marketing strategy. They help us identify where we are, where we want to go, and what steps we need to take to get there as a business.

Strategic frameworks are an integral part of any marketing strategy. They help us identify where we are, where we want to go, and what steps we need to take to get there as a business. 

Management and business strategists need to be able to apply a strategic framework to support work efforts and meet business goals. It also helps organizations to make sure that all team members work toward the same goals and gives employees a focal point for motivation. As a business entity, every company creates their own unique strategy based on their strengths and preferences. Organizations may benefit from all of the great strategic tools that exist, one can bring into the business to help them meet their organizational goals.

In today’s scenario people and organizations need to establish a strategic framework for smooth running of any business organization. The strategic framework should be clear and define the company’s values, mission, and goals to overarch the aim of the company.

The usual framework requires:

  • A company vision for organization future
  • A mission that defines what line of business a company is in, and why it exists or what purpose it serves.
  • Values that define the core values or standards that guide the way companies do their business.
  • Strategies that zero-in on your key success approaches
  • Goals typically represent a company’s larger purpose and work to establish an end-goal for employees to work toward.



There should be transparency between organizations and employees when it comes to strategic frameworks viz the mission statement, the vision, and core values. Using this framework and constantly reflecting upon this as the guiding rails, one can build motivation and increase work satisfaction in the organization. To build the company’s vision and goals, an understanding of developing a strategic framework is an important and critical aspect of the organization. It also includes where the company sees itself moving towards its long term goals. Future goals can include the ideals to which the company is aiming to be in place in the infinite run. Company core values are also developed at this stage, and these should include the company’s beliefs about the work they are trying to achieve, including how customers and staff will be valued.

With establishing the company’s vision, the next step is to develop the mission statement. The mission should be short, clear, and succinct of the company vision and should be communicated to the employees as  actionable guidance in day-to-today operations aspects. 

In company administrative procedures vision and mission plays an important role.  For example, human resource departments can use the strategic framework to develop sharper job descriptions, making sure that the tasks and skills required of staff contribute in some way to helping the company achieve their higher goals. In the same line, when recruiting new hires, the recruiting team can strive to make sure that the values of the company match those of the new hire at a higher plane and identification of the traces of the core values of organization in the prospective employees can serve as guiding direction for a good match between the company and the candidate. This aspirations to have a good match is a very important in hiring ( especially at lateral and senior staff entry levels) and it manifests itself on the ground in the medium to long term, when this higher plane alignments or core values between organization and employees helps to improve staff retention and subsequent reduction in the hiring and training costs.

The strategic framework can help in smooth running of the office, allowing managers and employees to refer back to the framework, to check if they are in line with organizational intent. A strategic framework may also provide a criteria to which employees’ performance will be measured on wider employee engagement based on their alignment with organization Vision and Mission, and thus help to identify the right talent for further grooming for more challenging roles within organization over time. Thus, a detailed framework can provide a focus to all the employees alongside serving  as an important evaluation and monitoring tool, helping departments to measure how well they are meeting company goals.

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