Strategic HR Solutions

4 Ways To Help You Bridge The Tech Skills Gap In Your Organisation

4 Ways To Help You Bridge The Tech Skills Gap In Your Organisation

The world is moving towards digitalisation at a very rapid pace. While the increasing digitalisation brings opportunities, it has created a huge skills gap.

According to a recent survey, 76% of IT decision makers across the globe have departmental skills gaps and this number has increased very significantly in the past couple of years fuelled by the need to go digital due to the pandemic.

Skills gap not only adds stress to the organisation, but also prevents companies from achieving their business objectives and quality objectives. 


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There is a pressing need for organisations to invest in training, empower and encourage the employees to take up upskilling and overhaul the hiring strategy to include diverse candidates.

“Gaps in skills don’t just disappear, they only grow wider if not properly addressed.”

Michael Yoo, Skillsoft


Here are 4 ways you can look at reducing the skills gap in your organisation.


  1. Reskilling & Upskilling Programmes

Companies are now realising that acquiring new talent for latest skills is far more difficult and an expensive affair as compared to upskilling and reskilling their current workforce. This strategy can have multiple benefits

  • You create a workforce that is ready for the rapidly evolving digital environment.
  • Employees are more engaged and motivated to take on newer challenges and achieve business goals. It also helps improve employee retention.
  • It is a more scalable and sustainable option as compared to hiring new people.

Several companies are now investing in reskilling programmes for their workforce. For instance, Accenture invested nearly $1 billion in 2021 on millions of hours of training to reskill its workforce. They introduced Connected Learning Platform – a blend of classroom and digital learning opportunities with content from internal and external subject matter experts.

However, before starting your reskilling and upskilling programme conduct a thorough skills assessment of your workforce to decide on skills that are most relevant to your business. Ensure that you keep the programme updated from time to time.  


  1. Hiring Strategy Shift

In recruitment, companies are now shifting their focus from educational background and experience to skills and attitude. Focussing on candidates with right attitude provides you with a workforce that is highly engaged and ready to deliver by updating their skills and applying their knowledge to achieve the company goals.

In the words of Herb Kelleher, “Hire for Attitude and Train for Skills.”

Google recently invested in Hiring Our Heroes initiative, where they trained 8000 transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses for certificate courses on data analytics, IT support, project management, UX design and then connects them with potential employers.

Hire a diverse workforce for their winning attitude and train them on the skills your company needs.


  1. Flexibility And Employee Wellbeing

Hiring skilled workers or training them is one part of the problem. The bigger part is retaining your skilled workforce.

Most businesses today are at an inflection point with respect to “new workplace”. This is the right time to challenge the status quo and work on relooking at your work systems afresh.

To retain your workforce, consider offering more flexibility and hybrid work options. Remote work arrangement widens your talent search and allows you to reach the skilled talent across the globe.

Ensure employee wellbeing is a part of your workforce strategy. Companies that are empathetic towards their employee’s individual needs are most likely to win the talent retention war in today’s highly competitive labour market.


  1. Partnering A Staffing Company

Partnering a staffing company can help you save time and cost to hire. The best Staffing companies in India can offer permanent and contract hiring options.

Since they have access to a large database of active and passive candidates with varied skills, it helps save time when you are looking for skilled talent at a short notice.

Another benefit of partnering with staffing companies is that they provide pre-screened candidates so that you do not waste time interviewing misfit candidates.

Contract staffing is a good option if you are looking for highly skilled IT talent for a specific period or project. Staffing companies can help you hire experienced talent in latest skills saving you cost incurred in hiring a permanent employee. 

Flexi Ventures is one of the leading staffing companies in India that specialises in IT and ITES talent acquisition. Our expert IT recruiters help you hire the best resources in the shortest time possible.

Connect with us to discuss your hiring needs today!

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