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5 Pro Tips To Help You Start Your Contracting Career

5 Pro Tips To Help You Start Your Contracting Career - Staffing Company in Mumbai

Pandemic opened a pandora’s box by forcing people to work remotely. The flexibility and freedom offered by remote work setup made people realise that they did not need to travel to the workplace and be present from 9 to 5 to be productive.

Many permanent workers moved to contract work in the pandemic phase.

Contracting market has seen exponential growth during the pandemic as more and more organisations and contractors see the benefits that it brings especially in sectors like IT, project management and Digital Marketing.


Contract work is when an individual is contracted by a company (Client) to perform services for a pre-defined period or a project.

There cannot be a better time to start your contracting career. Contracting helps you expand your skillset, work on a variety of projects and industries and work at your own time and terms.

There are many contracting job opportunities available in many sectors. Moreover, there are many staffing companies that specialise in contracting jobs.

While that is good news, finding a recruiter that can serve your needs as someone who is just starting off as a contractor or help you establish yourself in the contracting industry as a specialist or an expert can be a daunting task.

If you are just starting off as a contractor, here are top 5 tips that will help you in finding and performing your contracting roles better.


  1. Take Charge

If you are new to the contracting game, start with deciding what are your skills and what kind of contracts you are looking for.

Study the market to get an idea about the latest skills in demand and the sectors that are looking for contracting work. Update your existing skills or learn new skills. Meet other contractors and understand their experience. Prepare yourself before you take the big leap.


Also read : Contract or Permanent employment – which one should you choose?


  1. Finding The Right Staffing Or Recruitment Agency

This is the most important part once you have decided to start your contracting journey.

Most staffing agencies specialise in specific industries for eg. IT, Pharma, Finance, etc. You should look for an agency that specialises in your area of work. You may need to connect with several agencies before you settle down with the one that fits your needs.

A good place to look is LinkedIn. LinkedIn can not only provide you with a list of agencies, but the agency’s profile and posts can provide helpful insights about their expertise and experience. 

Another thing that works when you are looking for industry specific staffing agencies is referrals. Ask your friends and colleagues for reference of agencies that they have worked with.

A good staffing agency will have stringent selection process and very clear terms of employment. For instance, top IT Staffing companies in India, like Flexi Ventures, provide companies with pre-screened candidates to help them save precious time.


  1. Understand Terms Of Employment

Once you have got yourself a contract, ensure you understand the terms of employment well. Ensure you read the contract thoroughly and understand the payment terms, termination clause, job expectations, etc. Negotiate &/Agree on all the terms before you start the work.

Another important aspect is to understand if the role or the nature of work is aligned with your long-term goals like permanent employment in the future.


  1. Track Your Performance

In contracting, the quality of your work will speak for you and help you bag better projects with top companies at the best rates.

Hence it is important that you track your performance and keep an eye on the outcome. Positive employer feedback can also help you gain permanent employment at the company that you are contracting with.

It is a good opportunity to showcase your skills and your attitude to your potential employer.


  1. Expand Your Skills & Experience

You are being employed for your skills and experience. Contracting is a fantastic way to gain diverse experience with varied companies and industries.

Keep an eye on the latest technology and update your skills. Remember though lucrative, it is a very competitive space, and you can only be at the top if you invest in your skills and experience.

Flipside of contracting is that there is not enough job security, even though it pays well. There is no probationary period. You are expected to hit the ground running. If you do not work hard and diligently, your contract could end quickly. If you are dishonest and unreliable, your contract may not get renewed. Hence, ensure your work is exceptional and your clients provide positive feedback about you and your work.

If you are keen on learning more about contracting through a staffing company, connect with our expert recruiters at Flexi Ventures, India’s leading IT staffing company. We will be happy to help you with all the relevant information about contracting to put you on track for your dream career.

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