Strategic HR Solutions

5 Ways You Might Be Driving Away Your Top Candidates

5 Ways You Might Be Driving Away Your Top Candidates - Staffing Company in Mumbai

As a hiring manager, you have often wondered if your job post is attracting the right candidates. After spending a lot of time, effort, and money on creating attractive job posts, you still do not receive the quality or number of resumes that you had hoped for. 

There is a good chance that your application process is driving away the right candidates.

If you think your application process is not helping you get the kind of candidates you hoped for, read on.

Here are some ways you might be driving your top candidates away from your company.


Your Job Description is Not Clear 

The role of a job description is to provide the applicants a clear picture of what the job involves. It specifies the skills, competencies and experience required for the job.

If the job description is not clear, you may not attract the right candidates for the job. Moreover, an unclear and badly drafted JD for the job post creates a negative impression on the mind of the applicants about the capability of the company.

Remember, just like the hiring manager are looking for simple and clearly worded resume, candidates also are looking for clear description of what the job entails, what are the requirements, what is the company offering, etc.

Use simple and clear language. Avoid use of jargons. Try and present a clear picture of what you are looking for in an applicant.

You can look at competitors JD or job portals for similar positions before you draft your JD.


Your Company Website/ Social Media Pages Are Not Updated

Every applicant today checks the company website and the social media pages of your company along with reviews on Google, Glassdoor etc before they apply.

If your company website or the social media pages are not updated, it portrays an image of that of a non-progressive, ‘not in line with the trends’ kind of a company.

Moreover, they want to see your company reviews as an employer, your employee stories, your work culture and values before they can apply for the job.

Providing this information before they apply helps ensure that you get candidates that are aligned with your values and goals.

Ensure that your website is well updated and has all the information regarding the company’s mission, vision, values and goals. Equally important is to have presence on all the latest and relevant social media platforms.


Your Application Process is Very Lengthy

A Career builder survey regarding bad candidate experience suggests that 42% candidates are likely to never seek employment at the company again and 22% would actively tell others not to work for that company.

Today the job market is driven equally by the company and the candidates. While you might attract the candidates to your career page by using creative and compelling advertisement, if your application process is very lengthy and cumbersome, you might not see too many applications.

Moreover, if the process is very slow, there is a high likelihood that the candidates will lose patience or get picked up by other companies. 

Create simple application process. Resume & their LinkedIn profile covers most of the information that you might be looking for. Asking them to write long essays, asking for multiple documents or filling up complicated forms is counterproductive in most cases. Try one click ‘APPLY’ button.

Also, remember to communicate with the candidates at every step and keep them updated about the status.

Also read : 5 tips to improve candidate experience while hiring


Your Application Form is Not Mobile Friendly

More than 60% applicants are now actively searching for and applying for jobs from their smartphones.

Over 40% of candidates are likely to abandon the application process if it’s not available over mobile.

If your application form or your website career page is not optimized for mobile, you are losing a large chunk of applicants.

Create a simple form with not more than 7 mandatory fields for your mobile application and ensure it does not take more than 90 secs. Again, use of one-click ‘APPLY’ button helps.


Your Job Post is Company Centric

Today candidates look for how the role and the company can benefit them. They want to know how the role and company can help them grow both personally and professionally.

If the job post is only focused on the expectation and responsibilities and does not include information on the benefits, perks, company culture, what you value in a candidate, etc, the candidates will think twice before applying.

Ensure your job post focuses on both the company and the candidates needs equally. Provide all the information that will help the candidates feel comfortable about the company before they apply.

Remember, your application process should encourage the right candidates to apply and look forward to joining your company.

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