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5 Important Team Leader Skills to Showcase in Your Resume

5 Important Team Leader Skills to Showcase in Your Resume - Staffing Company in Mumbai

Every organisation that is looking to hire a Team Leader or a Manager is looking for some specific skills and abilities that showcase that they can manage and lead a team successfully to achieve the business objectives.

Every job posting receives an average of 250 resumes, according to a Glassdoor survey. To stand out amongst such large number of applications, your resume should be able to highlight and showcase those specific skills that companies are looking for.

If you are applying for a Team Leader or a manager position, here are some important skills that you need to highlight in your resume.


Team Management Skills

One of the most important skills that any company is looking for in a team leader is that of Teamwork or team management skills.

Leaders are expected to manage, engage and lead complex teams. Companies want team leaders that can resolve conflicts and motivate the team members to achieve the common goals.

You should be able to emphasise on your ability to work with others and showcase your passion for accomplishing team objectives.

Include relevant information about the size of team, issues handled and the team KPIs that you achieved in your resume.


Decision Making Skills

As a leader, you are expected to take big and small decisions every day. What sets you apart from others is your ability to take analytical and calculated decisions.

In the rapidly evolving business world, it is crucial that a leader can take the right decision at the right time. This requires access to right data and information and risk-taking ability.

Analytical decision making involves using facts and data from various sources as a base for decision making process.

To highlight your Decision-Making Skills, showcase how your decisions led to big wins and how they were based on data and analysis.

Also read : Tips to update your resume for 2022


Project Management Skills

Project Management is a big part of a team leaders’ role. As a team leader your job is to ensure that your team performs their assigned task well and on time.

Your job will involve assigning job responsibilities to the team, creating schedules, allocating resources, all this while ensuring the project is completed in time & budget and all the objectives are met.

As a team leader managing a project, you are expected to wear multiple hats and strike a balance between finishing the work on time and providing quality work.

There is no wonder then that this is a very important skill for any company looking at hiring a team leader. 

If you are looking for a role of a team leader for a project, ensure that your resume focuses on your ability to delegate, supervise, schedule, quality control & allocate resources.


Communication Skills

Communication skills are extremely important for every leader to co-ordinate and collaborate with the team well.

Clear communication skills are important to understand and communicate the roles and responsibilities in a project clearly. Being able to positively motivate the team and lead them through the various stages of the project are an important aspect of a leader’s job.

To demonstrate your communication skills, create a summary that focuses on your verbal and written communication skills. You can describe how you motivate your team.

Also read : Letter of Interest writing techniques


Customer Management Skills

As a leader, you are not only dealing with your team, but you may also be facing customers every day.

Every company’s success depends on how the managers handle the customers. It helps not only retain the customers but also acquire new clients.

It involves being able to negotiate, understand the customer issues, offering solutions, being empathetic & dependable.

Ensure your resume accentuates your Customer Management skills with specific examples and statistics about retention, new acquisitions, new business, etc.

Your resume should display your commitment and growth mindset as a team leader. Power your resume with the help of these tips to reflect your experience, skills and abilities.

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