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Build a Professional Career as a Video Game Tester

Build a Professional Career as a Video Game Tester - Staffing Company in Mumbai

The gaming industry has experienced a massive boost in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in a rise in the demand for video games which in turn led to a rise in the demand for video game testers.

The job of a video game tester can be quite desirable for people trying to enter the gaming industry, particularly those who enjoy working with electronics. However, it is a job easier said than done. So, what exactly does a video game tester do and how do you become one?

What does a Video Game Tester Do?

To err is human – it is a term that we have heard many times. It applies aptly in the world of video game development. All games are likely to have bugs or errors in them. A video game tester’s job is to play games that are under development and look for errors. They may have to repeat different levels numerous times to ensure they have tested all of the possible permutations of the game. The glitches and bugs they find are to be reported to the development team who can then work on fixing these errors.

How to Become a Video Game Tester?

Becoming a video game tester does require a few skills and qualifications like most other jobs. Here’s a list containing the skills and qualifications you may need to become a video game tester.

  1. Good Communication Skills

Basic yet strong communication skills as well as writing skills are a must in this field since the game testers will be asked to report any issues with the game in a brief and straightforward manner. while it is not compulsory, it might be a good idea to finish high school first a strong language base for communication can be a big plus.

  1. Degree in Game Design or Similar Field

Once again, this is not completely mandatory, however, having a degree in video game design, computer programming, video graphics or other such fields can make your chances of getting hired higher. This is especially due to the fact that some companies do often require and/or prefer hiring people with a higher educational degree. Moreover, it provides a good base of knowledge in not just gaming but IT and Computer programmes.

  1. Have Previous Gaming Experience

It is highly recommended that you have experience in playing games beforehand. Having a wide knowledge of different genres of video games and playing them on different platforms such as game consoles and mobile phones can give you more opportunities in this career field.

  1. Pay Attention to Details

As a video game tester, one has to report bugs and glitches to the development team. It is essential that you pay attention to the smallest details in the game. A wide set of steps might need to be taken for you to detect and identify different glitches of both small and large scales. For instance, you might need to recognize when small movement animations do not work for a specific game character or when a player keeps getting stuck in a particular place.

  1. Be Patient

Finding bugs can be an arduous task. There may be instances where you have repeat levels numerous times to identify a glitch. There might also be instances when a bug is triggered only by a certain sequence of steps which you might have to re-enact. This also means that you need knowledge regarding basic troubleshooting.

  1. Be a Team Player

A lot of games need to be played in teams where you might have to work with other game testers. In such cases, you need to be good at communicating with other people. Try to be a team player and avoid conflicts with others. Cooperate with others and listen to their ideas. It is important to keep an open mind while working in teams. Hold yourself accountable and take responsibility for your mistakes if you make any.

  1. Have a Good Understanding of Narrative Structures

A lot of games happen to have a storyline. Even though this does not fall under the categories of programming or technical errors, sometimes you might be asked to analyse whether or not the storyline of the game is constant and logical. Having a strong understanding of narrative structures can help you identify in such situations.

These are some of the most essential steps in becoming a video game tester. If you follow through with these steps, there is a greater chance of you being hired as a video game tester.

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