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8 Must Have Skills For An Android App Developer

8 Must Have Skills For An Android App Developer - Staffing company in Mumbai

Android is dominating the global market of mobile operating system with over 70% share. Developers of Android apps thus are and will remain in demand. As an Android App Developer, you need to be very skilled in several programming tools and techniques.

Here are 8 must have skills needed for an Android app developer.


  1. Having knowledge about Java and Kotlin


A programming language happens to be the main foundation of developing any app. Android apps are specifically developed using Java and Kotlin. While you can use either one out of these two programming language, you can also simultaneously use both of them to develop your app. It is crucial to know for you to basics of both Java and Kotlin as well as their syntax among other principal concepts.

Keep in mind that you should be familiar with the latest versions of both of these programming languages.


  1. Having a good sense of User Interface and User Experience


Regardless of whether an app has incredible functions, if it does not have a good user interface and offers good users experience, it is bound to fail in the market. Thus, to be a successful android app developer, you need to be able to create an app that not only has great features but also has a user-friendly interface.

For instance, RecyclerView is a great choice for using grids or lists in your app. You could also use animations to heighten the user’s experience while using your app. In short, you need to be able to develop an app that adapts to the latest UI guidelines.


  1. Be up to date with technological trends


We live in a world where technology is evolving and advancing at a rapid pace. Since Android is the top operating system in the market, it constantly develops its technologies in order to retain its customer base as well as attract more customers. As such, it is important for an Android app developer to have first-hand experience about Android SDK, Android Studio, Android APIs etc. It would also be wise of you to keep yourself informed about latest updates regarding them.


  1. Know how to work with your data


One of the most vital parts of your app happens to be data. Whether you need to conduct a data query or fetch data directly from the server, you need to be familiar with handling data properly. It is a good idea to get acquainted with Data Store, Room Database, Retrofit 2 etc.


  1. Research


You need to know your rivals since you will be working in a highly competitive market. Android being the world’s leading mobile operating brand means that Android app developers are working in a highly competitive market.

To have a competitive edge over your rival developers in the industry, you should be keen on researching about competition apps and finding out what features work or do not work for them. This would aid you in ascertaining what features to include in your own app in order to ensure users are engaged with the app and have a good experience.


  1. Have testing skills


The development of Android apps entails numerous different testing techniques and strategies for quality assurance. This is to ensure that the app has good quality. Hence, Android app developers should implement carry out some tests throughout the development procedure of their app.

Some examples of such tests include OS testing, security testing, device testing, and network connectivity testing. Since tests can be carried out in various different scenarios, android app developers need to learn diverse testing tools and techniques.


  1. Use the Material Design Guidelines


A set of guidelines for user interfaces named “Material Design” has been published by Google. It contains tips for using various styles to design your app interface for users such as utilizing drop shadows and layering. It is not compulsory for apps to be designed in accordance to these guidelines. However, Google highly recommends that Android app developers make use of the Material Design guidelines while developing their apps.


  1. Have a good understanding about publishing and marketing


You could develop an app with the best features and yet have it can fail in the market if it is not visible to users on app stores. Making your app visible to users has a major effect on the success of your app. Thus, you need to be able to optimize your app in such a way that it shows up on the Google Play Store to users all around the globe. In order to do this, you need a good understanding about business and how to market your product i.e. your app properly.

The development procedure of Android apps requires developers to take a lot of details into account. Developers need both technical and non-technical skills. The eight skills outlined above are must-haves for anyone aspiring to be an Android app developer. We hope this article was insightful for you.

If you are an Android App developer looking for exciting projects and roles in top companies, write to us at FlexiVentures is one of the leading IT staffing companies in India. 

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