Strategic HR Solutions

Top Tips for a Robust Talent Acquisition Strategy in 2022

Top Tips for a Robust Talent Acquisition Strategy in 2022 - Staffing Solutions in Mumbai

The pressure to hire highly skilled and most qualified talent is at its peak for HR professionals.

In the current highly over competitive and challenging talent market, it is crucial that every company creates a powerful Talent Acquisition Strategy to scout for and acquire your best resources.

With technological advancement and digitalisation happening at a rapid pace, Talent Acquisition process is changing and only the employers that have an up to date and robust TA plan will succeed in the talent acquisition war.

Talent Acquisition is different from recruitment. While recruitment is very short term, linear process where Hiring teams source candidates for immediate vacancies, Talent Acquisition is a long term, ongoing process, that involves employee branding, candidate experience, candidate community. The focus in case of Talent Acquisition is on hiring the best quality candidates for the role.


Here are some top tips to create an effective and powerful TA strategy.


  • Focus on Building a Better Employer Brand Image

We have all seen the shift from employer-oriented job market to candidate driven market. Companies are increasingly focussing on improving employer brand image to attract top talent. Most candidates today research about companies before they apply for jobs and a negative brand image can drive away potential candidates.

A good way to start working on your employer brand image is by taking feedback from your existing employees to find out what makes them stay in the organisation and what can be improved. Employee feedback can be very valuable in making improvements and also strengthening the belief that the company values the employees. Good employee review on all the social media platforms helps a long way in gaining candidate confidence while applying for jobs.

Another area to look at is creating great marketing material on your career page and your social media pages.

Create a strong sales pitch for your company to lure top candidates.

Showcase your brand identity, what sets you apart from the other companies, your work culture, employee experience, etc.


  • Focus on Creating Strong Candidate Relationship


Candidate Relationship Management involves creating positive candidate experiences and maintaining positive relationships with candidates while managing candidate communities.  

Companies are now not just focusing on creating positive employee experience but taking it a step further to create better candidate experiences. Realising the fact that every potential application can be a potential employee in the future, companies treat every candidate as an asset.

Create a more open and transparent process for the candidates. Most candidates want more feedback or communication from the companies during the hiring process.

Create automated workflow wherein candidates can be informed about the next step. Personalised emails conveying the reason for rejection go a long way in creating an a better NPS (Net Promoter Score) amongst candidates.

Create a strong Nurturing communication plan for candidates that have been rejected or did not fit into the open roles.

Some companies like Spreetail, an Ecommerce Solutions company, went a step further and invested in CX surveys so that it could track its NPS.

“Using Lever’s tagging system to build pipelines of candidates has allowed us to stay in touch with candidates as we grow and evolve as a company,” Spreetail Sr. Brand Talent Partner Dana Nielsen noted. “This has helped us to hire over 1,000 people so far in 2021 as we add new teams.”


  • Use Latest Technology


It is no longer optional to use technology for your talent acquisition. In the digital age, it is imperative for HR to make good use of the latest technology for hiring and talent management.

Automate time consuming and repetitive tasks using the latest hiring tools. They can take care of screening resumes, shortlisting candidates, posting jobs, scheduling interviews and communication.

Use technology to collect and use data to identify potential candidate sources to channel your recruitment efforts in the right direction.

AI driven tools can help you learn everything about your candidates and track recruitment metric easily.

Online onboarding and training can be leveraged to provide latest skills and help the employees grow and succeed.


  • Integrated Workforce for Business Agility


An Integrated workforce combines permanent employees, contract employees and freelancers.

Traditionally, integrated workforce was popular amongst companies in the technology industry with top technology companies like Microsoft & Google hiring more contractors than permanent employees. However, many companies across industries are now moving towards an integrated workforce due to the multiple benefits that it brings.

You can hire contractors for niche expertise, short term or long-term projects and seasonal work. They can help build a strong talent pool which can later be used for permanent positions.

Contract employees can help immensely by bringing in a wide variety of skills, experience and perspectives to the company.


Looking to hire top talent that can help you grow your business? Flexi Ventures is one of the fastest growing staffing companies in India. Connect with our expert recruiters for your staffing needs today at

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