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Reimagine Networking in Remote Working Environment

Reimagine Networking in remote working scenario - Staffing Company in Mumbai

We all understand how important networking is for our career. Not just for advancing but also transitioning or finding new opportunities. In the pre covid era, networking happened organically in the office, during coffee breaks, during travel, or over lunch or dinner.

With Covid pandemic wreaking havoc around the world, most organisations are shifting to remote or hybrid workplaces, making it difficult to bump into people to network with.

If you are missing out on the erstwhile networking opportunities, here are 5 easy ways to help you restart your networking game.

  • Update and strengthen your social media presence

Working from home or remotely saves a lot of time otherwise spent on commute. Use that time to crank up your social media presence. Update LinkedIn profile with your latest work, add connections, increase your recommendations, update your skills& certificates/diplomas. Create a strong profile that reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Similarly, update your other social media handles like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter such that all of them are aligned and represent you and your image.

In the current times, your social media profiles are very crucial aspects of who you are and need to be strong enough to make you stand out from the rest. 

  • Connect with your existing contacts

Believe it or not, it is easier to connect with people online than it is physically. Connecting online not only cuts down the time taken to commute but also the hassle of finding a convenient place and time to meet.

Connect with your existing contacts whom you have not been in touch with. Speak to your peers and old contacts over a call or email. This is a good time to connect and check how they are coping in the pandemic. Pandemic has made people feel isolated and stressed and they will appreciate the gesture. This will go a long way in improving your network and also your chance of being considered for a new job or a role.

  • Make new connections

Create new contacts by connecting with people outside your contact lists. it may sound very daunting and scary to connect with strangers, but it is easier if you can connect based on something common. People with similar interests, similar profiles, skills, industry. Connecting online via social media platforms, phone calls or emails, provides great opportunity for people who are trying to expand their network.

It also requires some creativity. Keep it brief. Start with a compelling subject line to ensure the person reads the message. Be clear in stating what you are looking for and how they can help or what can you offer to them.

  • Join online communities or forums

Find and join online communities or forums that are aligned with your interests. Participate in online discussions. You will be amazed at how this opens new circles and opportunities. You not only gain relevant knowledge but also helps you find people with similar interests and skills from the same industry or outside. The more you get seen, the higher your chances of hearing about new job openings, new roles, skills, etc.

It is an excellent and easiest way to network.

  • Get market ready

Use all the knowledge gained during networking in improving your saleability in the job market. Update or create a great resume, covering letter or sign up for a new skill-based learning programme, prepare for interviews. The more you network, the closer you are to the market trends. use this opportunity to get market ready.

With the pandemic, job prospects and market scenarios feel very uncertain indeed. But do not detach yourself from the world. Use this time to remain active and create a strong network.

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