Strategic HR Solutions

Recruitment Advice for Employers in 2021

Recruitment Advice - Staffing company in India

Times have changed. This phrase has been used millions of times before. But with the pandemic, it could not be more relevant.

How companies recruit changed drastically this year. Hiring managers are now looking at massive changes in the way they source candidates, interview them and create candidate experiences.

Here are the top 5 recruiting advice for Employers in 2021.

1 – Relook at the Entire Hiring Process

With the changed scenario, it is a good time to relook at the entire hiring process, rather than making piecemeal changes.

Hiring process has undergone changes with remote hiring becoming the norm. Focus on what is working for you and what processes need to be relooked at. It is a good time to bring in efficiencies into the system by adopting latest technology, automation and digitalisation.

If you are bulk hiring, there are various automation tools available which can help take away the mundane and time-consuming part of the hiring process and allow you to focus on the more important aspects of recruiting.

You can also employ HR consultants like Flexi Ventures ( who can help you with Candidate pre-screening, contracting, staffing and on boarding functions.

2 – Invest in Employer Brand Image

Your employer brand image is how your current, former and future employees perceive you as an employer. In the current competitive job market, your employer brand image gives you an edge over others in attracting top talent.

According to a latest LinkedIn survey, around 80% of job seekers said employers brand image is a key consideration.

Here are some ways you can focus on improving your employer brand image.

  • Update your website, social media handles and career pages. Candidate’s first interaction in remote hiring scenario is with the company website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, Twitter handles, etc. Ensure they are updated with latest information. Also post employee testimonials, pictures of fun events showcasing the work culture, news articles, latest projects etc.
  • Your current employees are your best brand ambassadors. Encourage employees to share their positive experiences on social media platforms. Work on creating a great work culture that fosters openness and trust. Focus on employee happiness, not just employee satisfaction.
  • Create positive candidate experiences. In the times of social media platforms like Glassdoor, LinkedIn, sharing reviews, whether good or bad, is very easy. Every candidate with a bad experience will lead to bad reputation for the company. Treat every candidate as you customer. Ensure you have a strong feedback mechanism to check for areas of dissatisfaction.

3 – Invest in Technology

If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us, it is that investing in technology is the only way forward. 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the latest buzzwords in recruitment. You can use AI & ML to improve and automate your recruitment process, to save time and increase efficiency. Processes like scanning & screening resumes, Applicant Tracking, data analysis can be efficiently handled by AI powered software.

Spruce up your website, especially the career page. Make your career site mobile optimised so that the candidates find it easy to search and apply for jobs on the go.

Use social media to reach out potential candidates. Apart from LinkedIn, use Facebook, Twitter to post jobs. Share employee stories, company events, news articles, blogs on Instagram, Facebook, Glassdoor, etc.

Create pages & videos with information about your organisation like mission, values, work culture, latest projects, FAQs, etc.

Remote hiring process also calls for latest communication tools. Invest in training your team on the use of the latest communication tools. You also need to bring in changes to the interview process to recognise behavioural aspects and personality of candidates.

4 – Hybrid Workplace

Remote working is not a nice-to-have anymore.

In a recent survey 74% of workers said remote working option is an important consideration while looking for a job.

Most companies are now looking at a hybrid workplace where employees will have the option of working remotely and in office.

Start working on strategies for a hybrid workplace. Improve hygiene and sanitisation in the office. The seating arrangements will need to consider social distancing norms.

Benefits offered to employees will also change in the remote or hybrid workplace. Employees are now looking at home office setups, child care, physical and mental welfare schemes, etc.

Bring in empathy and focus towards improving work-life balance in the work-from-home situation.

5 – Be Open to try out Fresh Ideas

Last but not the least, new beginnings call for being open to new ideas. Out of the box thinking is the need of the hour.

Try out new ideas to attract and source candidates. Create unique and fun referral programmes.

Organise Open Days where candidates can walk around the office, chat with employees, etc

Create fun events, contests for potential candidates. This will help create a talent pipeline to tap into whenever needed.


Companies that think ahead and plan for the coming future will stay ahead in the race to attract the best talent.

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