Strategic HR Solutions

Virtual Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

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With the pandemic, all the business processes have moved online. More and more organisations are shifting from in-person hiring to virtual recruitments.

Gartner HR Survey Shows 86% of Organizations Are Conducting Virtual Interviews to Hire Candidates During Coronavirus Pandemic

This can work well for both the candidates and the organisations.

Candidates can now appear for interviews from the comfort of their homes without having to travel. Organisations, on the other hand, save both time and money.

With remote working and virtual interviews becoming the new reality, it is important for the candidates to familiarise themselves with the process so that you create the best first impression.

Let us take you through some common mistakes that you need to avoid in order to ace your online interview every single time.

Mistake # 1- Not being prepared

 Often virtual interviews tend to be taken lightly since the interview is taking place at home and not a formal office setting. Though the familiar setting helps in calming the nerves, do not overlook the more important aspects of the interview.

Go well prepared. Read up about the company and the role. If possible, prepare answers to probable questions.

Keep all the relevant documents like resume, portfolios, etc in one folder on the computer, ready to share if asked to. Keep a pen and paper ready to list down important points.

And be punctual. There is nothing worse than making the interviewer wait, in person or online.

Mistake # 2 – Not well-versed with Technology

With over a year of remote working, most people are well-versed with the online communication tools. It is however a good practice to get well acquainted with the tool you are using for the interview. Go through the tool and learn the technical aspects of the platform so that you are comfortable during the interview.

Adjust the camera and check the audio & mic. Use earphones to avoid background disturbance.

Keep your phone and laptop charged. Check your connectivity and keep backup ready in case of network issues.

Struggling with your computer during the interview not only wastes time, but also cuts a sorry figure.

Mistake # 3 – Messy Background

Just like you expect to be interviewed in a clean office workspace, in the remote interview setting, the interviewer expects your background to be clean and free from any kind of distractions. Messy surrounding is not only distracting and off-putting for the interviewer, it can make you uneasy too, restricting free flow of thoughts.

Clean up your room, table, or whatever else will be visible during the interview. Make the background as neutral as possible so that there is no disturbance while the interview is on. Ensure there is good lighting in the room.

If you are using a digital wallpaper, try and avoid pictures of beaches and holidays. It can take away from the seriousness of the interview.

Plan your day before the interview so that there are no unexpected visitors or any other kind of disturbance during the call. Put your phone on silent mode.

Mistake # 4 – Not Dressing up

Recruiters are already anxious about hiring people without meeting them personally. So, it is very important to dress up professionally in an online interview and create a good impression.

Dress up like you would when you attend an in-person interview. Choose colors and prints that are not very distracting.

Even if the interviewer can only see your upper half, it is a good idea to dress up formally completely. It not only helps you conduct the interview with more seriousness but, you can also avoid the risk of being seen in your pyjamas in case you need to stand up.

Mistake # 5 – Not Focussing on Soft Skills

An interview, whether online or in-person, can make one nervous. The idea of being questioned and having to explain your achievements and strengths is ‘to say the least’ stressful. It only gets accentuated in the online format, where there is a lack of human touch and there is always the risk of running into technical glitches, bad network, etc.

Hence it is most critical to focus on the soft skills.

Speak clearly and confidently. Listen carefully. Avoid speaking over each other.

Do not fidget with your hair, face or hands.

Maintain good eye contact all through the interview.

Remain focused and concise while answering questions. Try and practice answering some basic questions about your background, experience and achievements to ensure they are aligned with what you have mentioned in the resume and you don’t miss out on any important information.

You can ace your online job interview with a little preparation and practice. These tips will definitely help you to create a good impression on the hiring manager.

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