Strategic HR Solutions

Why is a sense of belonging important for the contractual workforce?

Tips to manage a contractual workforce

Workforce scenario is changing at a rapid pace. With the pandemic, the rate of change has only accelerated. The increasing number of contract workers in any organisation’s workforce is a good indicator of how things are changing. More and more employees are choosing to work at their own terms, looking for good work – life balance.

Organisations are increasingly looking at having a mix of permanent, full time, part time, contractual employees in their workforce. Companies are realising the cost savings and enhanced productivity that comes with a good mix of permanent & contractual employees.

The most challenging part of managing a mixed workforce is employee engagement and creating a sense of belonging. While most companies are very good at handling permanent workforce, dealing with contractual employees is different. But as more and more companies turn to contract workforce to improve efficiency and reduce costs, it is becoming increasingly important to instil a sense of belonging amongst the workforce.

Sense of belonging and employee engagement efforts are mostly directed towards the permanent employees but in the current scenario, treating the contractual workforce differently can have negative implications for the company.

Let us find out why is it important to create a sense of belonging for contractual workforce.

Reason #1 – Improve Engagement & Productivity

It goes without saying that productivity is directly proportional to employee engagement and it applies to both permanent and contractual employees. While traditionally Contract workers were sought for seasonal work or not -so-important mundane work, currently, skilled contract workers are working on important projects and hence it is important for them to feel like a part of the organisation or team. Engaged employees with a strong sense of belonging are highly committed and put in their best.

Reason #2 – Improve Teamwork

With more and more teams becoming hybrid, it is important that the organisation invests in improving the relationships within the team. Differences between teams are bound to happen since the team members may have different needs and aspirations. While the permanent employees look for upward mobility, contract workers may be in it for learning or experience. Creating a work culture that takes the needs of all its employees into account, should be a priority for the organisation. Once the employees know that the company cares for their aspirations, it helps create a sense of security & belonging and reduces friction amongst the team members.

Reason #3 – Attract Better Employees

Most workers check social media platforms and job boards for company reviews before they apply for jobs. Creating a good image helps attract better talent. This also applies for contract workers. Creating a good environment for them to work helps not only improve productivity but also create a better image for the organisation which in turn helps create a better talent pool.

Reason #4 – Successful Completion of Projects

Since contract workers are now an integral part of any team now, successful completion of projects is highly dependent on how well the teams work together. It is becoming increasingly important to get all the employees to buy into the company mission & vision. Companies will need to create strategies to ensure that the contract workers are as engaged and committed to the company goals as anyone else.

Reason #5 – Contractual workers can become a part of the permanent workforce.

We all know hiring a right person is an expensive proposition for a business. Very often the contract workers are absorbed by the organisation after completion of their term. It works for both the organisation & the employee. The companies save on the hiring cost and get trained skilled worker who understand the company’s work culture and the worker gets all the benefits attached to being a permanent employee.  If the employee feels like a part of the company, it is more likely for them to continue with the organisation and contribute much more in the future.

Creating a sense of belonging for all employees irrespective of their status is more important now than ever.

We understand that managing your workforce is a lot of hard work. Flexi Ventures is one of the top Staffing Companies in India. Work with us to lessen the burden as our experts help you manage your contract employees for you.

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