Strategic HR Solutions

5 Things to look for in any job candidate

Job website

When you have a key position open in your organization, you want to fill it as soon as possible with the best person you can find. You explore various job websites in India to shortlist people with required talent. However, finding the right candidate for your company can become quite tricky as these employees are the building blocks of your organisation. Hence, it is very important to hire the perfect candidate for these key positions.
Here are 5 things to look for in any job candidate while hiring:

  1. Awake and Aware:

Look for someone who is awake and aware of his surroundings. Many people view a job search as a clerical task, like filing their tax return. They put no thought into it. The show up at a job interviews unprepared, never having spent a minute thinking about the role or how they would approach it. It is important to know what you are getting into, your vision of it, and how you’ll tackle the problems, if they appear. It is necessary to have an employee who values his work and is awake as a person.

  1. Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is a quality closely linked with business professionalism. Even if you are hiring for an entry-level job or a volunteer position, you want someone who is upbeat and excited about working with your organization. When a candidate is enthusiastic about the job, it carries over into the workplace and into job performance. And when faced with difficulties, how they approach to solve the issue is something to be considered while interviewing a candidate. Positive employees are not only efficient but also encourage others towards completing the goal.

  1. Conviction

Look for someone who has strong conviction in their values and beliefs. One should not just agree to what is being discussed but bring their own thoughts and ideas to the table. As one of a leading HR Consultant in India says “I hope the candidate doesn’t stare at my face as they speak, hoping that their words meet with my approval. Who cares what I think? I am just another person on the planet, one of seven billion.” Opinion of every candidate matters as no idea is a small idea and who knows how it may lead the company towards profit.

  1. Cooperation/Teamwork

How a candidate will fit in with the rest of your team is a huge consideration when making a hiring decision. Of course, there will be times when the candidate will work independently, but you will want to make sure that she can work well with your team on projects when necessary as well. It is important to have someone who is a good team player and can adapt himself to a flexibe workforce environment. How someone works with a team says a lot about their personality.

  1. Goal-oriented

A strong employee is someone who sees this new position as a challenge. You will get the best job performance from an individual who sees the new job as a fulfillment of a goal rather than as just as the means to a paycheck or as another listing on a resume.
Make sure you look beyond the skills and how candidates look on paper. The best candidate should have the most necessary skills but also have the potential to grow and be a culture fit for your team.